What is Performance Coaching
and what can it do for me?
As we navigate through a wide range of situations in our sporting / business careers, we are often faced with obstacles and challenges that we underestimate and feel like we should be able to manage them ourselves.
However, in most cases the biggest barrier is our own lack of self-belief. Through coaching, we will partner together to understand where you are currently and what is holding you back form where you want to be.
Often clients, teams and organisations come to me with feelings like:
• I want to be a more confident athlete
• I am struggling with feelings of anxiety pre / during games or events
• I want to improve my relationship with my team mates / coach
• I do not know what life will be like when I finish competing
• I want to be a more resilient athlete
• I am having discipline issues
• I want to perform better in a certain area of my game
• I am struggling with an injury
• I have ambitions to compete at a higher level
• I am struggling to find the motivation to fully commit
• I need to find a better sport, life, work balance
• I want to be a more respected employee
• I have ambitions to gain promotion
• I want to improve my relationship with my colleagues
• I am struggling to find motivation in my work life
• I want to perform better in a certain area of my job
• I need to manage my time more effectively at work
• I want to change roles / jobs
If any of these resonate with where you are now, coaching is for you, and I am here to support you on that journey. For an informal chat on how we can partner together to achieve your goals please email michaelgerard@mgd-coaching.com or complete the contact form via the button below to schedule a FREE 15-minute CHEMISTRY CALL to chat through how I can help.